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Terpene Isolates 101: Longifolene

Writer: Nicole FlaniganNicole Flanigan

If you're just getting started with terpenes, odds are you're wondering how each isolate can be used. Terpene isolates can be used in hemp, CBD, and cannabis products as well as concentrates, vapes, foods, beverages, and aromatherapy infusions. In fact, adding terpenes to health and beauty products, cosmetics, vaporizers, foods and beverages, and aromatherapy infusions is a great way to add an extra boost of body-nourishing benefits to your products and make THC/CBD products more effective. This week, we're diving deeper into the immune-boosting and pine-scented terpene isolate known as Longifolene.

longifolene terpenes are found in the resin of norway pine trees

Longifolene terpene isolate

Longifolene is a medium-strength sweet, rosy terpene with an antiseptic-like, piney, wooden aroma. It’s most commonly found in the sap and resins of Norway Pine trees as well as Lapsang Souchong tea, which is smoked over pine fires made from Norway Pines.

It is a common addition to many cosmetics, perfumes and beauty products for its sweet and earthy scent and skin-nourishing, antibacterial properties. However, it’s also commonly found in high concentrations in black seed oil which has been used as a health tonic in Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and the Middle East. Black seed oil is still used today in food and medicine in Arab and Indian cultures to make food taste better and healthier for its variety of health benefits that support the whole body. Many people consider it a go-to remedy for a variety of ailments.

While Longifelene only plays a small role in black seed oils and other tonics and doesn’t exist in high concentrations in most plants, it plays an integral part in the entourage effect, where it helps boost the effects of other terpenes, cannabinoids, lipids, and proteins while promoting its own effects.

Benefits of Longifolene terpenes

Longifolene isolate hasn’t been thoroughly evaluated on its own. Most of the documented benefits and studies on Longifolene have been conducted on black seed oil, which also contains terpenes like Carvacrol, Terpineol, and a-Pinene. With that in mind, further research is still needed to solidify the evidence behind the effects of Longifelene terpenes on their own. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any dietary supplement, including one with natural Longifolene terpenes, to rule out any possible complications.

With that out of the way, we do have a handful of studies documenting the effects of Longifelene terpenes. The first is, of course, the antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal properties shared by most terpenes. Longifolene is naturally antibacterial and can kill a variety of fungal spores and airborne viruses when introduced to the air. When inhaled, Longifolene is noticeably relaxing and sedative in nature, promoting calm and reducing symptoms of anxiety.

longifolene terpenes come from pine tree resins

Interestingly, Longifolene in the air is a great way to also improve your breathing. It has a potent anti-inflammatory effect that provides both anti-spasmodic and broncho-dilating properties, making it easier for you to breathe or shake a nasty cough. Longifolene has an almost medical aroma, which is reminiscent of and offers similar effects to Vick’s Vapor Rub.

When ingested or inhaled, Longifolene is a noticeably strong pain-reducer and antioxidant. Its effects are also documented in black seed oil, which contains a handful of other terpenes that are also more effective when Longifolene terpenes are present. In a study by the World Health Organization, lead researcher Wong found that 100mg of black seed extract used twice daily for 2 months could also lower blood pressure in patients with moderate to severe hypertension.

While not a direct result of studies on Longifelene alone, clinical trials found that black seed oil can boost the immune system and strengthen your immune system’s responses against certain pathogens and diseases, including cancer, AIDS, and other autoimmune disorders.

All in all, there are several interesting aspects surrounding the health benefits of Longifolene. However, further study is still needed to solidify these findings.

Natural sources of Longifolene terpene isolate

Longifolene is derived from the resins of pine trees. However, it’s also found in Lapsang Souchong tea since the tea itself is smoked over pine fires. The Norway Spruce is the most common large-scale producer of Longifolene terpenes and is often the wood used to smoke Lapsang Souchong tea. Aside from that, it can also be found in many black seed oils, which are derived from black onion seeds, black currant seeds, and black caraway seeds.

As a sesquiterpene, it isn’t found in nature in high concentrations too often. While it can be found in several species and families of plants, it doesn’t usually play a major role. In cannabis plants, it usually makes up less than 0.07% of a strain’s terpene profile. However, it can be found in small amounts in strains that contain lots of Pinene or b-Caryophyllene, such as OG Kush and Larry OG.

natural sources of longifolene terpenes

TLDR; Longifolene terpenes

  • Antibacterial

  • Antiviral

  • Antimicrobial

  • Antifungal

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Analgesic

  • Antioxidant

  • Anti-spasmodic

  • Broncho-dilating

  • Immune-boosting

  • Sedative

Common uses of Longifolene terpenes

Whether through your favorite pine or wood shavings or through a diffuser, Longifolene isolate smells and tastes great and works wonders within your body.

Longifolene terpenes can be safely added to all sorts of products to kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and soothe you into a deep, more restful sleep. It can safely be eaten, drank, infused, and inhaled with a little bit of mixing. It can also be used to improve cannabis products like vapes and concentrates that may have lost cannabinoid potency or terpene content during extraction.

Longifolene terpenes for sale by peak supply co

Add Longifolene terpenes to foods and beverages to enjoy the antioxidant and antibacterial properties within the whole body. A dash of water-soluble Longifolene terpenes in your favorite foods or beverages adds an herbal pine flavor that can help reduce pain and inflammation, reduce oxygen in the blood, improve your breathing, and boost your immune system.

Add Longifolene terpenes to essential oil diffusers and aromatherapy infusions to kill airborne bacteria, viruses, and fungal spores and improve indoor air quality. The pine aroma is also great for promoting calm and relaxation and helping you get to sleep.

Add Logifolene terpenes to cannabis concentrates and hemp oils made from strains with higher Pinene terpene content, such as Green Crack, Dutch Treat, or Northern Lights. As a sesquiterpene, Longifolene doesn’t appear naturally in high concentrations in many plants, but it can usually be found alongside strains that contain Pinene as its primary terpene. Longifolene terpenes can make them smell and taste better and boost the potency of THC/CBD effects.

Just keep in mind that not all terpenes are created equal. Different terpenes will always have different effects, but they're not all made the same. We know you have a choice when it comes to terpene providers, but no other choice comes close to our level of quality.

At Peak Supply Co, our Longifolene terpene isolates are extracted from all-natural food-grade fruit, flower, and nut oils in our state-of-the-art facility. With our proprietary extraction and refinement method, we remove plant materials and any leftover impurities, leaving behind the purest terpene isolates on the market. Best of all, we even offer sample packs so you can try them all.


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